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Moadon Shoham

The Program

The students begin the day at Shoham at 16:00 after school. All cellphones are collected and put away for the duration of the program. The schedule is as follows:


  • 16:00-16:30 - Light meal which students prepare. Opportunity for students and staff to socialize and process their day.

  • 16:30-17:10 - Tutoring/mentoring with a focus on academic studies, teaching life skills. One counselor for every two students allows for personal attention and connection.

  • 17:10-17:30 - Break used for enrichment. Ranging from discussion of issues important to the students, current events, and games that challenge them and build group dynamics.

  • 17:30-18:10 - Tutoring/mentoring with a focus on academic studies, teaching life skills. One counselor for every two students allows for personal attention and connection.

  • 18:10-18:45 - Sustained silent reading and discussions about books.

  • 18:45-19:00 - Group process and summary.


Thursdays are also dedicated to extracurricular activities such as dance, sports, cooking, self-defense, body image, drama, current events, relevant movies and more. Vacations are used for study, recreation and culturally enriching trips to museums, high tech companies, concerts and ballet.


There are many challenges. The first is achieving regular Shoham attendance. We work with students and their families to ensure this. Next, we have to invest in regular attendance and functioning as a student at school. In addition, some of the students have complicated family situations which leaves them emotionally unavailable for the program. They require extra attention and the mentors give them a critical space to talk about their issues. The most important challenge is helping these adolescents change their self-image in order to see themselves as young adults who with effort can succeed in anything they choose to do in life.


The initial pilot program has been remarkably successful. Spectacularly, all the students achieved matriculation degrees that will allow them to continue to university (4 units of English, 3-5 units of math and most are completing prestigious majors such as physics, computers, Arabic, film making, art and others). Some students have notably excelled; one achieved a 100% average in 5 units of math and physics and was one of the few high school students in the country chosen to visit the particle accelerator in Switzerland. There are students who read books fluently in English way beyond the requirements of the school system. All of the students have been accepted and are attending competitive mainstream mechinot, significant positions in the army (one in Sayeret Matcal – a highly prestigious special forces unit, another in intelligence) or prestigious positions in sherut luemi. We have learnt much about effective execution

Metrics for Success
  • Regular attendance at the program and at school. 

  • Internalizing effective study habits so that they become independent successful students and personal growth and self-confidence.

  •  Moving up in tracks of Math and English at school to maximize student’s potential. 

  • Interest in extracurricular and cultural events. 

  • Fluent reading in Hebrew (average reading - 8 books a year).

  • Fluency in reading English (way beyond the requirements of matriculation exams)

  • Success on the Bagrut exams which will qualify them to attend university.

  • Attendance of prestigious army preparatory programs and army positions.

  •  At least 15% of students attaining academic distinction (4 points Math, 5 points English and 5 points in a prestigious major). 

Our Staff
  • Dr. Meir Ekstein, Executive Director. He has a PhD in clinical psychology. Founder of two prize-winning high schools and recognized educator. He supervises the educational and emotional aspects of the program.

  • Devora Davidson has extensive practice in working with the Ethiopian community, has managed the Shoham program for the past nine years and is experienced and equipped to significantly expand the program. She has a BA in social work from Sapir Academic College and an MA in managing nonprofits from Hebrew University.

  • Esther Jaffe runs the present program for Shoham girls. She has a BA in social work from Bar Ilan University and has studied Amharic.

Present Plans

We have now opened a new program for eighteen JHS/HS students in Beit Shemesh. In addition, we’re following up with our graduates as they embark on new chapters in their lives. We plan to continue to follow up and mentor these students through their pre army studies, army service, university studies and the beginning of their careers. Our new group of students is in partnership with Reshet Amit in Ulpanat Amit Noga. We are presently in negotiations to make similar programs in two other schools in Beit Shemesh. We also expect the students to give back to their communities as they mature and serve as role models.


It costs $7000 annually to sponsor a student in the program.


We hope that you will join us as partners in this life changing endeavor.

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